Our mission is to educate the future thinkers and leaders who will meet the challenges of the 21st century and shape tomorrow’s Hungary. We believe that this requires leaders and communities that include people from all walks of life, from all backgrounds and experiences. To achieve our mission, we need to break through glass ceilings and create opportunities for all committed students, regardless of their background or financial situation, to receive an adequate education.

Let us all work together to shape the Hungary of tomorrow!

As a non-profit organisation, we provide scholarships for our students partly from our own resources and partly from donations, so we welcome contributions of any amount.

Donate via PayPal

Donate by bank transfer: 12011351-01760927-00100007



Through our scholarship programme, the Milestone Institute has supported the studies of 477 students since its foundation, usually over several academic years, for a total of more than HUF 150 million.

All of our scholarships are needs-based, enabling young people to participate in our educational programmes who would otherwise not be able to study at our Institute, or would face great difficulties in doing so. Our students usually apply for Needs-based Scholarships, which offer partial tuition fee reductions, or also for Bridge Scholarships, which offer full tuition fee waivers – find out more about our scholarship scheme here.

Sipos Alexandra

Alexandra Sipos

Bridge Scholarship

Access Programme 2022-2023 and Junior Programme 2023-2024

“The Bridge scholarship allowed me to find my passion, social sciences, and engage in activities within this field. What I enjoy the most, is the ability to freely think and express my thoughts in the form of essays, presentations, and debates. Milestone, more specifically the passionate module leaders, and my mentor support me in every project I have in mind. All the mentoring sessions and modules contributed to my academic journey toward my dream university. The most important skill I developed at Milestone is critical thinking. I enjoy working on challenging materials and finding ways to form my opinion and express it.”

Ákos Vida

Ákos Vida

Milestone Fellowship

Junior Programme 2023-2024

“I would describe my time at Milestone as overwhelmingly positive. It not only gave me the ability to learn and explore a wide range of topics, but also a forum to meet like-minded people. Milestone has helped me better understand my future plans, it strengthened my interest in engineering and mathematics. I have learnt many hard skills such as differentiation, academic writing, and machine learning, which directly help my studies and future university goals. Asides from these, I was also able to hone in on soft skills including better teamwork and effective studying. The project work and leadership positions were especially helpful in this regard.”

Csilla Berki

Csilla Berki

Bridge Scholarship

Junior Programme 2022-2023 and Senior Programme 2023-2024

“Milestone has enabled me to see things from an entirely different perspective, and I have become more open to the world. The program helped me a lot to find what truly interests me, and thanks to the modules, I could fulfil myself in arts and social sciences. My artistic expression, linguistic skills, and social skills have developed significantly while being a student at Milestone. The program offered me a lot of opportunities and prepared me for my university studies. In addition to academic success, I also became a member of a welcoming, friendly community.”

Péter Paksy-Kliment

Péter Paksy-Kliment

Needs-based Scholarship and Bridge Scholarship

Junior Programme 2022-2023 and Senior Programme 2023-2024

“I entered the Institute with a quite narrow view of my main fields of interest such as history and diplomacy, during my time here my horizons not just broadened but the world also opened for me since I realised the importance of interdisciplinary. Studying at Milestone completely changed my life. As a student of the Institute I became a member of an inclusive and opened community where I believe I found my second home. This is the term I often use to refer to Milestone due to my friends and memories I gained during my three years.”


It is very important for us to make our scholarship funding system sustainable in the long term. This is greatly aided by private donations from our dedicated parent community and other supporters who share our values, as well as by our long-standing partnerships with various organisations. We are particularly pleased that, in the second decade of our Institute’s existence, our alumni feel it is important to support our scholarship fund as part of their social responsibility.

We currently accept donations in the following ways:

  • Using PayPal – a simple form of support that can be used with a credit card for one-time or regular donations, available with a SimplePay account or without registration;

  • Milestone Education Association bank account number:
    12011351– 01760927– 00100007.

In case of a bank transfer, please include the MS Scholarship Fund in the statement and notify us of the transfer by e-mail to finance@msinst.org – this will help us to thank you for your support and to track the funds.

Please kindly note that the Milestone Education Association is not yet a public benefit association, so the contribution cannot be used to reduce corporate tax or the tax base, and we cannot issue a certificate of support for this particular purpose. If you have any questions in this regard, please feel free to contact us at finance@msinst.org.


For individuals

Support equal opportunities!

Be a part of a progressive and cohesive community dedicated to creating a better, diverse and competitive Hungary in the 21st century
With your one-time or regular support, you can help our student community members coming from all backgrounds and represent the interests of the widest possible section of society as future leaders with democratic-egalitarian principles.


Donate via PayPal

Donate by bank transfer

If you are interested in supporting our goals in other ways (through your professional contacts, by supporting our fundraising events or any other way), please contact Péter Násztor, Head of Outreach, at peter.nasztor@msinst.org or 06 70 424 72 62.

For companies and organisations

Let’s catalyse social progress together!

Our scholarship system aims to ensure that our internationally recognised education programmes are open to all talented young people who want to make a difference, regardless of their social background.

We believe that our students are the thinkers and scientists, professionals, entrepreneurs and leaders of the future who understand the importance of acquiring and continuously developing internationally competitive skills. They are democratic and egalitarian, with innovative ideas and ground-breaking solutions that can actively contribute to change and provide answers to the world’s most pressing challenges – whether it’s the climate crisis, gender inequality, promoting social dialogue or any other complex issue that needs to be addressed.


Donate via PayPal

Donate by bank transfer

If you are interested in supporting our goals in other ways (through your professional contacts, by supporting our fundraising events or any other way), please contact Péter Násztor, Head of Outreach, at peter.nasztor@msinst.org or 06 70 424 72 62.

For our alumni

Support the next generation!

As a Milestone alumnus, you know that our core value is the common good: we believe in a progressive society based on equal opportunities, a sense of community defined by the values of openness to others, responsibility and solidarity.

Through your one-time or regular support, you can help to ensure that Milestone continues to be a place where social and economic disadvantage is overcome and where diversity is a core value for the resilience and long-term success of students.


Donate via PayPal

Donate by bank transfer

For any questions regarding support or if you are interested in participating in our fundraising activities in any way, please contact Péter Násztor, Head of Outreach, at peter.nasztor@msinst.org or 06 70 424 72 62.


Through our scholarship scheme, our students have received more than 150 million HUF in financial support since our foundation, mostly from our own resources. In order to ensure long-term sustainability, from the 2021-2022 academic year, we will continue to develop our fundraising activities, in addition to offering our educational programme as an association.

You can read more about our association here, find the reports on our fundraising activities, the use of the scholarship budget and our plans for the following academic year below. We will publish the report for the academic year 2024-2025 in the course of April.