Our students will have to cope with a rapidly changing world, where only adaptable leaders can find solutions to pressing social and environmental problems. Fundamental to our Access Programme, launched in the academic year 2021-2022, is the strengthening of resilient and empowered personality traits, individual self-expression and group inclusive project work. The programme thus lays the foundations for the long-term development of participants and introduces them to the biggest challenges of the 21st century, providing a unique educational and community experience, with social responsibility as an important part of it.
The application deadline for the 2025/26 academic year is: 2 March 2025.


Our programme spans a full Milestone academic year, during which students take part in the following parallel and compulsory activities:


Journal Club

    Aim of the Activity

  • Exploring new interests and deepening existing ones
  • Developing essay writing, debate culture and debate skills
  • Improving critical understanding and thinking
    Schedule of the Activities

  • Every 2 weeks,
    max. 12 persons/group

Supervision Group

    Aim of the Activity

  • Developing individual way of thinking
  • Strengthening self-expression and reflection through popular works
  • Developing storytelling skills
    Schedule of the Activities

  • Every 2 weeks,
    max 4 persons/group

Project Team

    Aim of the Activity

  • Community and social responsibility
  • Project planning, management and implementation
  • Business planning and running of social enterprises

    Schedule of the Activities

  • Every 2 weeks,
    max. 8 persons/group


    Aim of the Activity

  • Orientation Knowledge enhancement
  • Feedback on the programme Individual development
  • Support tailored to individual needs
    Schedule of the Activities

  • 2 sessions/trimester

Cohort Building

    Aim of the Activity

  • Community building and community identity
  • Common problem solving and togetherness
  • Developing leadership skills and teamwork
    Schedule of the Activities

  • 1 session/trimester
    Weekend country retreat


The timetable below is just a sample; in the actual timetable, classes may be scheduled on any weekday and occasionally even on Saturdays.

Access Programme

Weeks Activity 1 Activity 2
Even weeks Project Team
Friday 5-6pm
History Society
Saturday 2-3pm
Uneven weeks Journal Club
Thursday 5-6:30pm
Supervision Group
Saturday 12-1pm


The Milestone Institute’s Student Life combines friends and adventure with education. Student life is a great way to meet new people, belong to a community of like-minded students and have fun. It is also extremely useful for learning new skills and for enhancing personal and academic development. You can find out more about Milestone Institute Student Life here.



  • Together with students from the other programme years, they form the Milestone student community and are involved in student societies and student government.
  • Successfully complete the academic year by attending at least 60% of the Journal Club events, at least 80% of the Supervision Group and Project Team events and by achieving at least 20 points on their final Progress Report.
  • Always attend the Institute’s sessions in person.
  • On average, spend 2-4 hours per week at the Milestone Institute in various study sessions and student life events.
  • An average of 4-6 hours per week of individual preparation is required for study sessions.
  • Can apply and be enrolled in the programme from any grade (grades 7-11)
  • Participate in the programme for one year and, upon successful completion, are invited to a Core programme year appropriate to their age, maturity and academic progress.
  • The allocation of study sessions is determined by the Programme Leader on the basis of pedagogical criteria, so that students of different ages, backgrounds and interests can be placed in the same group.



The Access Programme only provides financial assistance to Bridge scholarship holders, but tuition fees can be paid in instalments for all Access students.