
The Milestone Institute proudly found its new home in 2021 in the 7th district of Budapest, at 17 Wesselényi Street. The building was originally the headquarters of the Székesfővárosi Cipész Ipartestület (The Municipal Trade Syndicate of Cobblers), which was built in 1905 to the design of György Kopeczek and is now a listed historic building. The original decoration of the more than 200 m2 large first-floor hall is reminiscent of the Art Nouveau style of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, and its huge stained glass windows were made by the artist Miksa Róth. The building, decorated with mosaic ornaments, ironwork and wrought-iron flagpoles, is one of the most beautiful public buildings in Erzsébetváros.

W17 A Milestone Intézet büszkén talált új otthonára 2021-ben Budapest VII. kerületében, a Wesselényi utca 17. szám alatt.

For Milestone, the W17 building is not only a place to work during the day, but also a centre of educational life. In addition, it is also a key player in the everydays of Student Life, hosting the opening of the academic year, celebrations, club and society meetings and often students spend their free time in the building.

We want to be an active part of the intellectual and cultural life of the capital city and our home district by organising various events in the magnificent Great Hall, which is also the venue for the Milestone Knowledge Port events.

The building’s rooms, which are available in various sizes and with various facilities, as well as its special Great Hall, are available to rent to external companies, institutions, organisations or individuals for workshops, events and other activities. For more information on renting, please visit the site of W17.