„Leadership through Excellence, Humility and Integrity.”

Milestone value

At the Milestone Institute, friendships and shared adventures are intertwined with academics. Milestone Clubs and Societies are based on the shared interests of their members and offer a wealth of experiences beyond the academic curriculum. They are extremely useful for skill acquisition and to enhance personal and academic development. Student life is a great way to meet new people, socialise with like-minded students and have fun.







The Arts Society aims to create a community of students interested in a diversity of arts. They cover every arts-related field (such as literature, fine and visual arts, photography, film, theatre, music). Its aim is to organise events (such as concerts, theatre visits, film viewing, invited speakers) and that such events will be followed by a reflective discussion. The members of the society can try their hand at journalism and art review and get a taste of different branches of fine art as well.

The Business Society was formed in April of 2021. This society is for everyone interested in the world of business and economics. We discuss different topics ranging from theoretical models to real-world, practical examples. The sessions will include guest speakers, games, discussions and many more. Our society plans to be an active participant in business and economics competitions. But do not worry if you are not the competitive type, we welcome everyone in our society.

Science Society

Informatikai társaság



The Mathematics and Computer Science Society is an integrative society which aims to create a community where members can learn and share their knowledge about mathematics programming. Their goals are to broaden the mathematics and programming knowledge of anyone interested, demonstrate a real project’s workflow and work on projects together with members of the society. They have weekly sessions where they encourage members to join the active programmers in creating awesome and useful projects and to discuss software development concepts used at many companies. Their newest initiative is the Computational Biology branch of the society which introduces the medical-biological applications of IT.

The purpose of the society is to encourage critical thinking among its members while honing their public speaking and argumentative skills via competitive and formalised debating. Members learn to express themselves clearly and cohesively in English and to discuss a wide range of social, political and economic issues, thus gaining greater awareness of the world’s burning issues. The Society meets weekly in the form of workshops in preparation for debating competitions in which members regularly take part, both in Hungary and abroad. An experienced debate coach is also supporting their work and progress.





The History Society creates a flourishing yet challenging environment for students with an interest in History and Social Sciences. It operates on a termly thematic basis around which events are organised. These focus on an engagement in historical debates, asking questions, meeting and learning from scholars in these fields.

The Engineering Society is the place where students get the practical side of science. This Society’s most essential part is to create a community where we learn, build and test together. It is key to understand the importance and addictiveness of creating – especially in a group. Nature is ruled by laws – laws that are meant to be broken. The Engineering Society lets people’s imagination and their hunger for modelling and shaping run amok. Here we create the most fun and wildest things – whilst evolving as scientists as well. The society looks for new challenges and projects each term, all are welcome, not only those with an engineer-mindset.





Mathematics is not just a class where you catch up on some sleep, but the language of the universe.
It appears everywhere in life, from the simple logistics of organising your day, to the complexity of quantum physics. This is why we think Mathematic skills are one of the most important to acquire even if one does not plan on becoming a mathematician. We created this society to ensure that Mathematics is present not just in academics but in social life too.
We encourage everyone to join, even if Maths is not your favourite subject.

The Jewish Club brings together Milestone students who are interested in Judaism and is open to everyone regardless of belief. Through a series of socials, fun events, academic lectures and free time spent together they introduce their members to the religion in a friendly and open-minded environment. Besides enjoying the highlights of Jewish cuisine, they expose the Club members to a variety of forms of Judaism through a series of varied and interesting guest speakers.

Model United Nations Society


Natural Sciences


The Milestone Model United Nations Society is for all students interested in politics and international relations and for those wishing to improve their public speaking and argumentative skills. In Model United Nations, students take on the roles of diplomats, representing a country other than their own to discuss actual global issues and come up with resolutions in line with the official UN rules of procedure. The Society has regular sessions at which new members can learn the format. Furthermore, student members prepare for and attend prestigious conferences such as BIMUN in Budapest, APROMUN in Bratislava or PORGMUN in Prague.

The main aim of the society is to offer Milestone students the opportunity to gain deeper insights into the work of natural scientists. The Society works towards establishing study groups at which students from all fields of Natural Sciences are welcome. Meetings also serve as a ‘stage’ for students to present the results of their own research in organised research groups from which the most outstanding are taken to international conferences and competitions such as the Biology and Chemistry Olympiad or the Young Scientists Journal Conference





Our mission is to educate people about psychology and fight the stigma around the field and its topics such as mental health. We want to create a safe place, where everyone can share their ideas and problems regarding psychology.
Furthermore, the society’s sessions will ensure that members get a diverse and deep knowledge about the mind-blowing world of psychology. We will help our members to get ready for competitions (e.g.: essay competitions). We will also take steps to keep up attendance at all times, by creating events that are interesting for a lot of people and collaborating with other societies.

The aim of the Politics Society is to provide students with an accessible platform to hone their political skills and learn to navigate our increasingly complicated world. We seek to introduce them to the basics of political science, political philosophy, as well as discussing how best to navigate contemporary political landscapes in our day-to-day lives. As politics is an exceedingly difficult subject, meetings are primarily centred around roundtable discussions where every voice is heard.


The Student Representative Council (SRC) ensures that all Milestone students have the space and opportunity to make their voices heard, to shape the way teaching is delivered and to bring students together through fun events. The SRC is made up of representatives from each grade level and is overseen by the President and Vice President of the SRC.

Its tasks include:

  • building a strong sense of community among Milestone students;
  • representing the student voice in their year group and working with the academic team;
  • overseeing the well-being of the student community.

The student organisations are run by student leaders, under the supervision of Erzsébet Dúcz, Student Life Coordinator ( If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our colleague!

A diákszervezeteket a diákvezetők irányítják Tolmayer Anna, a diákélet koordinátorának felügyelete alatt ( Kérdés esetén forduljon kollégánkhoz bizalommal!