Welcome to the Milestone Admission Application Form!
We are happy that you are taking on this challenge and we are looking forward to reading your application form.
Your application form is a crucial part of the admissions process, so please provide as comprehensive information in the form below as possible. The form is only available and must be filled out by the applicant in English, except for the sections related to data handling: these are available in both English and Hungarian and must be read and filled in by the parent or guardian of applicants under the age of 18.
In the following, we will ask you about:
It will take approx. 2-3 hours to complete your application form, including writing the essays.
About data handling
When applying for courses offered by the Institute:
Üdvözlünk a Milestone Intézet jelentkezési lapján!
Nagyon örülünk, hogy nekivágsz ennek a kihívásnak és alig várjuk, hogy jobban megismerjünk.
A jelentkezési anyag a felvételi folyamat fontos részét képezi, így kérjük annak figyelmes és teljes kitöltését. A jelentkezési lap csak angol nyelven elérhető és a jelentkező által angol nyelven töltendő ki. Ez alól kivételt képeznek az adatkezelésről szóló részek, amelyek angolul és magyarul is megjelennek, és amelyeket 18 év alatti jelentkezők esetében a szülőnek vagy gondviselőnek kell elolvasnia és kitöltenie.
A következőkben, erről fogunk kérdezni:
Az esszék megírásával együtt, kb. 2-3 óra a felvételi jelentkezési anyagodat elkészíteni.
Az adatkezelésről
Az Intézet által meghirdetett képzésekre történő jelentkezés során:
Things you need to know before filling out your application!
You can find some essential information as well as tips on filling out the application form in our Admissions Form Guide . Please make sure that you consult this guide while you are working on your application.
Milestone has two application rounds, the first one in February and the second one in March. Beware that the number of available places in the Milestone Programme in the second round are dependent on the number of applicants accepted in the first round, therefore we highly recommend that where possible, applicants commit to the February dates.
In order to be considered for the first round of applications, the application form must be submitted by 23:59 on 2nd February 2025. While it is technically possible to submit previously saved applications even after this time, please note that all submissions are timestamped, and any application submitted at or after 00:00 on 3rd February 2025 will not be considered for the first round.
There will also be a second round of applications, with the application deadline on 2nd March 2025.
The deadline to submit an application in the first round has passed on 2 February 2025. The deadline to apply in the second round is on 2 March 2025. For those applications to be accepted, they must be submitted by 23:59 on 2 March 2025. While it is technically possible to submit previously saved applications even after this time, please note that all submissions are timestamped, and any application submitted at or after 00:00 on 3 March 2025 will not be considered.
Therefore, we strongly recommend that applicants do not leave the form submission to the last minute. Should you experience technical difficulties with the submission of the application form outside of our office hours, please send an email, including a detailed description of the issue complete with screenshots, to admissions@msinst.org.
Academic Requirements
Applicants are reminded that in order to be accepted, a minimum academic average (“tanulmányi átlag” in the Hungarian system) of 3.5 is required for the Freshman and Access Programmes and a minimum academic average of 4 is required for the Sophomore, Junior and Senior programmes (excluding the grades for discipline – “magatartás, szorgalom”). In cases where this minimum requirement is not met because of extenuating circumstances (e.g. medical conditions), candidates are requested to contact admissions@msinst.org as early as possible to seek guidance on the options available to them.
If your school uses a numerical marking scheme different from the Hungarian standard (1-5) or a non-numerical marking scheme (i.e. poor, average, excellent etc.), please convert it using the following guidelines. Please note that when inserting a decimal number the system will only allow for decimal points (“.”), not commas (“,”). So, for example, if your GPA is 4 points and a half, instead of inserting “4,5”, please insert “4.5”
Admission Fee
The admission fee is 15.000 HUF, which is to be paid after the submission of the admission form by credit/debit card. Please get your payment details ready before submitting the form, as you will receive the email with the payment instructions from számlázz.hu immediately after submission.
Please note that:
Save this form for later
We are aware that completing the form below might take a while, so you can save your progress for later by clicking on the ‘Save’ button below. You will have to provide an email address to which you will receive an email from our form provider, Formstack, with a unique link to the partially completed form. Hold on to this link, as if you misplace it, we are not able to retrieve it from the system.
Please keep in mind that in order to be considered for the programme, you must submit the form before the deadline – saved but not submitted application forms will not be considered.
Navigating the pages of this form
Form content validation happens page-by-page, which means that you can only go to the next page (or go back to a previous page) after completing all compulsory fields.
The navigation bar at the top of the form shows exactly which page of the form you are currently in. To help you navigate the full form, please see below a breakdown of the pages available:
If you are applying for the Core Programme, you will also have the opportunity to submit a scholarship and/or fellowship application after completing the application form, which means you will see the following pages as well:
For those applying to the Core Programme and submitting a Scholarship application:
For those applying to the Core Programme and submitting a Fellowship application:
About testing and/or interviewing online
After the candidate’s initial admission is accepted, and the candidate receives an invitation for the admissions test, the candidate should be prepared to take the test at Milestone Institute, located in Budapest, 7th district (1077 Budapest, 17. Wesselényi utca). In exceptional circumstances (e.g. the applicant is completing studies abroad) a separate request can be made to take the test and/or attend the interview online by emailing admissions@msinst.org.
Separate requests must be emailed to admissions@msinst.org up to 24 hours after the application submission to be considered.